Australasian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Annual Conference
Perth, Australia 20-22 May 2016
Presented by Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine practitioners throughout the Asia-Pacific region will gather in Perth from 20-22 May 2016 for the Australasian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Annual Conference (AACMAC).
The peak annual convention is a must-attend event for practitioners, researchers and the profession with international guest speakers to include Dr Stephen Boyanton PhD LAc (China/United States) and Professor Charlie Xue, Chair, Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. AACMAC 2016 will offer an engaging and clinically relevant academic program with practical workshops, industry seminars, and social and networking activities.
Delegates will deepen their understanding of current practices and leave with an awareness of the latest research, techniques and treatment protocols. The conference also offers a valuable opportunity to broaden networks within the greater health community, allowing for greater collaboration, understanding and connections.
Early Bird Registration is open until 26 February. Don't miss out on your spot!
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